Sunday, January 15, 2017

Day 15 out of 365

Image result for aaron rodgers meme

Yes, Aaron...yes I do.

Happy Sunday, y'all!

Today's weather had me really down in the dumps. However today started off really great! Grandma and I took a trip to Starbucks where I ate like a champ for basically no calories! I was STUFFED.

For lunch Anthony made some of the Wegman's baked chicken strips which are only 150 calories for 2! I feel like I definitely over did it today, but I am still within all of my numbers except for sodium/1 gram over my carbs.

Wanna know the best way to eat whole wheat crusted pizza? Throw it out and order out.

So I had some leftover dough I bought when I was in Ohio a few months ago. I decided to give it a go. Anthony said the crust tasted like a bagel...........

He really liked it though. I put myself down for three pieces in Myfitnesspal because I'm not too sure what the exact measurements are. It cooked relatively thin, but it was nice and crispy. The toppings consisted of tops sauce (I added pizza seasoning from Christmas Tree Shop), fat free mozzarella, turkey pepperoni, and mushrooms on my half.

I have to say I thought that would be satisfying, but now my stomach hurts really bad- hahahaha...

In the words of Martin Luther King JR., 

Image result for determination quotes MLK

On a super tiny side note, I am down 6.4 pounds in 15 days...I'll take it.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Day 14 out of 365

Happy Saturday!

 I am currently writing under light medication due to the most repulsive please excuse any spelling or grammar mistakes!

Here's a look at what  I made today!

Guess what?! THEY WERE AWFUL. Anthony and I were in tears laughing so hard...that bad. It was such a healthy and light recipe we were really excited. Even with a little whip cream garnish we were gagging...what a shame...

So I tried one more recipe for a snack *early dinner*:

Cauliflower nacho dish...this was amazing! I threw in some taco seasoned chicken, 2 tbsp of light sour cream and salsa. My serving was 341 calories. Anthony suggested I let the cauliflower get crispier and then put everything else on. He says the darker pieces taste like "a baked french fry".

I still have 816 calories left for the day but it's already 4 pm and we are content.

If you are going to Czaja and Aprils Lulu party tonight, have a blast! Sorry I couldn't make it ladies.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Day 13 of 365

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Hello, there...
You may notice I didn't blog yesterday...but probably not because people have way better things to do than read my complaints about why I can't eat spaghetti and bread for every meal.

Yesterday I was really fighting bad I may or may not have had a mental breakdown and cried for chocolate for twenty-three minutes.

As per Facebook, if you have been #keepingupwiththegiomundos you probably noticed Anthony slipped me half of a mini Reese to mix in my oatmeal. MmMmMmm!

Today I allowed myself to have the smallest piece of cheese pizza one could ever consume (about 4 bites worth). I didn't feel guilty either. A mother I babysit for told me "back on the wagon", and she is 100% right! As long as I am within my allowed fat, sugar, and carbs, why not have a slice a pizza every 2 weeks?! It crushed my craving and it made me so happy! Lord knew I needed a break today, and that little slice of heaven was IT.

I recently accepted a short term tutoring position at work until February. With this being said I will unfortunately be arriving home around 7 PM a few days a week and 6 on the other days. Therefore, Anthony will have to prepare some of our dinners for the first time ever! Today I texted Anthony the following steps for spaghetti squash:

1- Halve the squash
2-Rub some EVOO on the insides
3- Pinch of salt, pepper, Italian seasoning
4- Bake on 350 for 30 min and check

I came home and this man who has never cooked a meal in his life had it down to perfection. NAILED IT.

As I took it out I mixed together what was left of my moms marinara and Trader Joe's sauce...tasted it and I almost dry heaved. I messed it up so bad!

So of course I begin to sob because at this point I am legit hangry and Anth put in the time and effort to try something new. He is literally a lifesaver and always know JUST what to say. He was throwing out suggestions for about fifteen minutes before I caved, and we decided on ordering from Panera.

We decided to just get chicken Caesar salads with a baguette and eat out left over chili (for the 9th time this week). We need to grocery shop really bad; I felt like such a scavenger looking for something, ANYTHING to woof down.


Today I went 6g over my fat allowance, but at this point of exhaustion I really don't care!
I am still under my sugar (54 g left) and  I ate within my calories today, so I am happy.

I made a few meals for this weekend tonight while Anth ran to grab dinner:

Buffalo chicken strips for salad, and BBQ pork chops for dinner.  I know BBQ sauce has sugar but AGAIN, anything in moderation for me is good.

I feel like I am killing this whole "eating healthy thing"...I just wish the weight would fall off. I plan to go to the gym this weekend to boost the process. I am having trouble finding the energy to do so. My second plan is to buy a canister of pink lemonade spark by Advocare so I can power through the sleepy portions of the day.


As always.


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Day 11 of 365

hump day
  1. Wednesday, regarded as the midpoint of a typical working week.

    "it's hump day and perhaps the toughest day of the week for you"

Hey guys!

I decided weekday posts are going to be short, because there usually isn't much to talk about because I spend most of the week eating simple meals as compared to the weekends when I really invest my time experimenting with new recipes.

Breakfast- I WAS STARVING...egg white and cheese on an english muffin, 1/2 cup of oatmeal with a banana (441 calories)

Lunch- Caesar Romaine lettuce, tomato, cucumber, carrot, a few croutons for a little salad with a hint of feta.  I also ate some of my grandmas chicken and broccoli stir fry- no noodles (195 calories)

Snack- low fat cheese stick, green bell pepper slices, and a second banana (179 calories)

Dinner- My mom came over tonight to make dinner for me because I can't keep my head up I am so tired! We made homemade fajita bowls. I put chicken, lettuce, tomato, corn, black beans, shredded cheese, ortega sauce, and brown rice in mine with 11 sea salt tortilla chips. I didn't hold back tonight because I was hungry! The BIGGEST difference between two weeks ago and today is I measured out the exact serving size for each ingredient.  (547 calories)

I had anthony pick me up an iced coffee on the way home- I hadn't had it in a few days from Tims and I needed it! Guess what?! I'm still under my fat and sugar AND carbs for the day. 

On that note,
goodnight moon!

helpful hint- there are a lot of us at work eating healthier and it's great to be able to keep each other on track!

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Day 10 of 365



Today is also going to be short, sweet, and to the point because I AM EXHAUSTED. I had the usual breakfast- I tried only eating half of the English muffin, but I was also really hungry in the car this morning 😂. I also tried to eat a bigger breakfast to lead a smaller lunch and to not be as hungry...but I got it from Tim Horton's and it was RATCHET. It was literally so sweet I gagged...

On that note- homemade oatmeal 'tis.

For lunch I brought mothers left over stir fry...don't worry  I didn't eat the noodles!

For dinner we had two guests; gram and sister...they both approved of my lemon garlic and honey pork chops, brown rice, corn, salad, and french bread (moms) with the marinara sauce. Guess  what?! I even got to eat a piece because I had 700 calories left for the day! So as of right now I have consumed 1,164 I am for sure eating a nice snack later!

Thanks for reading!

As always,


Monday, January 9, 2017

Day 9 of 365

Image result for happy monday

Happy Monday!

I don't really have too much to say today due to simply eating leftovers! Egg white and cheese on an english muffin for breakfast, an apple and a yogurt for lunch, and cabbage casserole later on with ground chicken. However dinner was amazing! I had leftover salmon (4.5 oz), 2 oz brown rice, and 2  oz of beet noodles. After I ate that I still had 700 calories left for the day. So0o0o I helped myself to some Wegmans chicken strips that I brushed in Buffalo hot sauce, some in Dinosaur BBQ sauce, and left some plain. THEY WERE AMAZING. Anthony had a great idea; he dipped his in Trader Joes traditional marinara sauce so I copied! So in total today I have eaten 1,193 calories and still have 472 left. I am going to use it to have a little snack later. 

Thanks for reading!

As always.

Helpful hint- Even if mother continues to have fresh, warm bread delivered- DO NOT EAT IT.

Oh and a real quick positive note- I lost 3.5 lbs in 7 days.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Day 8 of 365

Image result for aaron rodgers meme

Happy  Sunday!

We didn't do much today as Anthony had a wicked headache and this stupid tooth has officially created its own pulse. Lovely.

Today we ate a lot of yummy food; well I did, Anthony enjoys the simple things in life like chicken sausage with ketchup... haha <3

Okay so for breakfast I took Gram to Starbucks like we do at least one day out of the weekend.  I got this amazing oatmeal with blueberries with a couple drops of agave syrup with a nonfat grande cappuccino with one pump of sugar free flavoring, YASSSSS QUEEN:

Both of these heaven sent goodies were only a whopping 242 calories!

For lunch I made us buffalo grilled chicken salad with a serving of croutons (6...really?), cucumbers, tomatoes, and bell pepper with yogurt ranch dressing which is a surprising 45 calories per serving and we only use half of that!

Our lunch was 263 calories in total.

For snack today I literally couldn't stop one point I had a banana, and then an apple a little later, and then a serving of Cheez-its. Do you know how hard it is to eat 29 reduced fat Cheez-its?! I also made Buffalo Cauliflower too! Two batches of it because the first was an epic fail because I marinated it prior to baking the florets first. I also had a bite of Anthony's chicken sausage which I still calorie counted! I also had an iced coffee from Tim Hortons with a shot of sugar free vanilla flavoring and one sugar (which sits on the bottom and wasn't touched). I saved half for the morning or else I would have been over my sugar goal for the day. My snacks for the day were 354 calories which is nothing because I used to eat that in one scoop of ice cream walking by the freezer- HA!

Left to right: last weeks serving size, healthier lifestyle serving size. #wherestherest

Dinner was absolutely amazing! I had a huge serving of salmon; 7 oz! I paired it with 2 oz of long grain brown rice and 2.5 oz of beet noodles. AMAZING! The only thing I wasn't too pumped about was that my honey soy sauce glaze was like...nowhere to be tasted. merp.

On a positive note, I am under my daily calories, fat, and sugar and I AM FULL. My goals for this week include drinking a gallon of water a day and heading back to the gym.

Daily note from Anthony- "this is the heaviest I have ever been...maybe I'll play football this summer...or run to Isle View for a burger and then walk home...or call an Uber if it's here yet. #YOLO

As always,
Thanks for the read!


helpful hint for the day- don't buy a scale and weigh yourself after you woof down a pound of food for awful...debating whether or not to smash it tomorrow.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Day 7 of 365

7 days of eating terrible makes one weak!

Hey everyone! Happy Saturday! Today marks my 7th day of eating clean! I feel so much better already! My energy levels have increased so much; usually on the weekends I just want down time at home, but this weekend I have already done so much more than the norm and I LOVE IT! I'll probably lounge around all day tomorrow but we are firm believers that Sunday is the day of rest in this household. 


I went to Denny's this morning and was still able to eat really clean and was super full after!
I had 2 egg whites, wheat toast, fruit, and yogurt- YUM!

After Denny's I took my niece to Wegmans with me- she was such an amazing little helper!
Check out these amazing finds:

The woman who was handing out samples with the beet noodles paired it with a cranberry walnut light cheese spread- OMG SOLD. I plan to make spaghetti with them though, they are SO good.

Today I made another pot of chili. This week I used boneless skinless chicken breast and threw about a pound in the Ninja and grounded my own chicken for it. I'm so domesticated! I added the usual corn, celery, onion, carrots, bell pepper, kidney beans, red beans, black beans, but this time I added a can of rotel...YUM!

Lunch- Since I went to Wegmans I couldn't resist grabbing a package of sushi for 280 calories for a roll.  I ate that so quick it was amazing!

Snack- So because it's Saturday I may or may not have helped myself to this..

...the whole thing...

Dinner- We each had a bowl of the chili. I am so happy it came out even better than the last batch!

My plans for tomorrow are super exciting.  I am making buffalo cauliflower with salmon and brown rice and salad! YUMMMMMMM

A note from Anthony...

"went outside to let Gracie out, look what I found"

If you see Anth, make sure you tell him you thoroughly enjoyed his picked dandelion in January buried in the snow..................

Image result for laughing emoji

Stay tuned to see how this amazing salmon turns out tomorrow!

helpful hint:
Image result for it takes 7 days to make a habit

This is totally for me today,
all I want is PIZZA.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Day 6 of 365

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Happy Friday, y'all!

I'm keeping this short, sweet, and to the point because I basically ate the same thing as yesterday! With that being said I have so many funny stories about tonight. Remember how I said mental health is important? Anthony and I are having our niece Maria sleep over tonight. She is 8 and is totally the most outgoing girl I ever met! Hanging out with her is so fun and makes my entire world. Life is so busy, so when we are able to spend time together it makes my entire life. She threw about 15 bulls-eyes playing darts tonight, did my make up, played Jenga, and a Disney board game, and also colored!

THE FUNNIEST PART was when Maria told me she enjoys watching channel 39 because My 600 lb life is on. I nearly fell of my chair laughing!

Lastly, Maria lost her tooth today, so Anth and I get to play tooth fairy for the first time ever! Maria requested we leave her cookies and milk so she doesn't get tired...anths reply... "TOOTH FAIRY'S GONNA EAT TONIGHT"...typical haha!

Have a great weekend everyone! Thanks for reading!

Image result for toothfairy