Sunday, January 1, 2017

Day 1 of 365

Although 2016 was the year that brought mine and Anthony's future together (legally), we both agree that 2016 needs to be kept in the past. After our wedding on June 25, we REALLY let ourselves a lot. The first five pounds were welcomed with congratulatory celebrations and family and friends inviting us to gatherings that were surrounded by sweets, savory foods, and laughter. After the first ten pounds got put on we "really got serious" about our eating habits...aka ordering chicken sandwiches rather than pizza. As we cheered at midnight this New Years Eve I planted the bug in Anths ear about how serious this was, especially if I am going to be expected to carry a child one day. I continued my rant by telling him I never wanted to be that questionably pregnant chick where people often wonder if they should congratulate me, or sign me up for Jenny Craig. On that note, we welcome you on our fitness journey as we have started (slowly but surely) to plan out how to properly change our lifestyle from savage eating, to eating to protect and maintain all our goodies inside of our bodies. As Anthony will have little to nothing to do with this blog (due to saving the world on battlefield in between necessary loads of laundry), you will get a first hand opportunity to see us make mistakes, laugh about it, and move forward to be a healthier couple. 
cheers to 2017

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