Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Day 10 of 365



Today is also going to be short, sweet, and to the point because I AM EXHAUSTED. I had the usual breakfast- I tried only eating half of the English muffin, but I was also really hungry in the car this morning 😂. I also tried to eat a bigger breakfast to lead a smaller lunch and to not be as hungry...but I got it from Tim Horton's and it was RATCHET. It was literally so sweet I gagged...

On that note- homemade oatmeal 'tis.

For lunch I brought mothers left over stir fry...don't worry  I didn't eat the noodles!

For dinner we had two guests; gram and sister...they both approved of my lemon garlic and honey pork chops, brown rice, corn, salad, and french bread (moms) with the marinara sauce. Guess  what?! I even got to eat a piece because I had 700 calories left for the day! So as of right now I have consumed 1,164 calories...so I am for sure eating a nice snack later!

Thanks for reading!

As always,


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